There are a number of cities in the United States that are cracking down on low riding and saggy pants. The rationale here is that is is indecent to see someone's underpants - seemingly with the idea that undergarments are indecent or equivalent to one's private areas. Fines and potential imprisonment are the penalties.
It is obvious that the fashion of low-riding and saggy jeans represents a direct influence of hip hop culture on today's society. In turn, hip hop culture is influenced by prison culture where the baggy jeans represents a one-size-fits-all policy in institutions where belts are not allowed (to protect the inmates).
The question that arises from these "fashion laws" is that many find it unconstitutional. So, I pose the question to you. Do these laws violate the individual rights of the accused? Should people be allowed to wear whatever they want? Be sure to discuss with your rationale and reference to the material provided.
Some articles to read on this topic....
Low Rider Pants Won't Fly in this Louisiana Town
Blog response to the Louisiana Issue
Do Saggy Pants Laws Violate Rights?
Fashion Police in Flint, Michigan
Here is Lil Wayne in action - Check out those pants!
Let's see what Brigitte thinks.....